
Greetings. 👋🏻 In this article, we will tell you how GotEM fights corruption, crime, and abuse of authority.

📌 Need for crowdfunding investigations

Today in the world we can observe riots, robberies, arson, attacks, and murders. Information is manipulated and events are covered by the media in a way that will benefit the parties and their agenda.

Civilians and governments can work together to ensure transparency and fairness to change the course of society through the emerging new market. Social Trust Network. And this is the main purpose of gotEM platforms.

📌 Benefits of crowdsourced private investigations

Private detectives are people who have extensive experience in detective work, full of experience in searches and investigations. Sometimes their work is associated with such difficulties, which can only be overcome by experience and ingenuity, developed over many years, and most importantly — motivation.

The services of private detectives are especially popular in cases where law enforcement agencies do not want or still cannot help the victim.

There are many advantages to hiring a private investigator and conducting a private investigation. In particular, having a clear understanding of the principles of the work of the authorities, having connections, and connections to specific officials, a private detective can ensure that law enforcement agencies pay attention to the victim’s case.

That is why we created gotEM. gotEM is an online marketplace to hire private investigators and private security, anywhere in the world.

📌 How gotEM works

gotEM connects those in need with a network of private detectives, cyber detectives, and private security specialists, and enables direct fundraising for missions.

gotEM’s user-based review and rating system also provide trust and built-in incentives for the best interests of customers.

Thanks to modern technologies and equipment, high quality of order fulfillment are ensured. When information is collected, video surveillance cameras are involved, and all this enables the customer to have a full report on the actions of the surveillance object.

📌 Scope of services

gotEM platform empowers people to harness the power of the masses by initiating global crowdfunding and crowdsourcing for large-scale investigations related to

✔️ corruption,

✔️ abuse of power,

✔️ human rights violations,

✔️ missing people

✔️ robberies,

✔️ international kidnapping

✔️ massive fraud

✔️ etc

📌 Detectives and investigators licensing requirements

All detective users are required to comply with local licensing requirements during the platform verification process.

gotEM provides an online space for building a community of legitimate professionals to serve those in need where there are no licensing regulations or high levels of corruption.

📌 Funding humanitarian goals

In addition to investigations and security, Gotem is also available as a platform for sourcing and funding humanitarian goals and has the ability for related agencies and individuals to interact with each other to drive change processes in local communities.

📢 Learn more about the gotEM platform’s unique opportunities:

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